Ready to learn how to build a luxury clientele in a small town in any economy?save the date for Monday October 7th

i’ve been there too..

You were told to base your prices off of what other salons in your area were charging, but at some point you’ve probably realized that trying to copy someone else's business model isn't solving the personal issues you’re having in your own career. 

  • You’re struggling to make ends meet

  • You’re working more hours than you want

  • You feel like your success is limited by being in a small town

As small town stylists we have been taught that to keep our pricing competitive in order to get clients in our chairs, but that mindset has led to undercharging, overwhelming pricing strategies, and an unfair devaluing of your services

the truth is…

There are a lot of small town clients driving to the closest city and paying higher prices for their services because they don't realize they can get the same quality and experience in their small towns… but it’s clear to me that you’re just as talented and qualified to offer the same level of service regardless of your location! 

I know that that small town stylists are equally educated and as skilled as hairstylists in a bigger city, but for some reason they are being told to undercharge for their services simply based on their location. 

You deserve to be getting paid the same income for the quality of work you're producing while saving your clients the commute to the city, but getting clients to pay those higher prices isn't as simple as just raising your rates and hoping for the best…

The difference between the stylists attracting a luxury clientele and those that are being underpaid for their services has nothing to do with one being more qualified than the other….

And you don’t have to do long color transformations, extensions, or some other over-popularized service that you hate in order to access a higher salary. 

You can build a thriving business doing whatever services you love in a rural area if you implement my approach to pricing strategies, client experience, and marketing.

I want to empower you to achieve the financial success you deserve in your hometown salon! In my free training on Monday, October 7th, I’ll show you how to:

refine your pricing strategy

To match the value you provide and attract more clients who are ready to book—even with higher prices!

Enhance client experience

Without increasing your expenses in the salon and saving yourself added stress in the process

Market yourself effectively

With methods that actually work in a small town and don’t require you to post on social media every day

Mark your calendar for

Monday October 7th 12:00pm CST

and sign up below to attend this FREE TRAINING


  • This is a limited time offer, but I know you're a busy stylist! A replay will be available for a limited time after the class for anyone who signs up for this free training.

  • You’re always welcome here too! Small towns come in all shapes and sizes, so this education is designed to give you resources that work regardless of your population count or local demographics.

  • Yes, this is designed to help all small town beauty pros. I am a hairstylist by trade so my personal experience is hair industry specific, but the overall education will absolutely be applicable to any service based beauty business.